When we hear the word psychedelic, one name comes to our mind immediately - the project that started in the last millennium and spans its journey right to the present. With his two albums and numerous collaborations and releases behind, Yudhisthira brings us his latest works, featuring two collaborations with Kala and MPF with Via Axis, and a solo track that represent the pinnacle of his music production. As the curtains open, you are all invited to the latest play in the Psychedelic Dream Theater of sounds!
January 23, 2019
All tracks Written & Produced by Ognen Zafirovski (Yudhisthira)
Track No.1 in collaboration with Darko Toromanoski
Track No.3in collaboration with Daniel Bertini & Rafael Corrales
Cover Artwork by Joe The Glow
Mastering by BMR - Ognen Zafirovski